The history of the train in Mexico

Mundo Cuervo

It is known of the great feats Mexico has achieved. Research has shown and fully assured that Mexico is rich in culture and traditions. Talking about these subjects can be for some dull and perhaps boring, but moving forward with the reading becomes a completely exciting subject.
For most Mexicans, the railroad is a means of transportation that has been forgotten, obsolete, and perhaps despised over time. It is worth mentioning that history books no longer mention its meaning, not taking into account that the essence of Mexico lies between railroads and wagons.

The time following independence was hard on the population, the economic ravages along with the social and political imbalance of that time caused Mexico to lag behind the rest of the world, until almost 70 years later when the state began to recover; and it is worth mentioning that it did so in a big way. In 1873, President Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada signed the agreement that would take the United Mexican States into the future, starting the modern concept of concessions and foreign investment for the railway system. At the end of his term, Lerdo de Tejada inaugurates the largest project of the time: the opening of a railway line from Mexico City to the Port of Veracruz. This marked the beginning of the growth of the railroad industry achieving, in the years to come (Porfiriato) a favorable growth along with the Mexican economy.

Unfortunately, the train business was short-lived. Between the 70's and 90's, after the entry of new technologies, the trains fell into disuse. In the late twentieth century, passenger trains were reduced to the Chepe in Chihuahua and Jose Cuervo Express in the state of Guadalajara, of which only some are still used to transport heavy loads within the country.

Familia en tren Jose cuervo express

Fortunately, in the middle of 2018, it is possible to enjoy the best train rides as iconic characters of the national history used to do. Jose Cuervo Express, a tourist train that departs from the beautiful state of Guadalajara to Tequila, the land where the nectar of the Gods is produced. During the journey you can observe the large and beautiful agave plantations where it is also possible to taste a sweet juice on the tour of Fábrica la Rojeña.

To learn more about the ancestral drink, visit the magical town of Tequila, visit Jose Cuervo Express, the most famous train in Mexico.

Publication date: 05/06/2020