5 Apps to make your life in Quarantine easier

Mundo Cuervo

Do you feel stressed, frustrated, and fearful? Well, you have the right to do so. Besides the scary situation we face, being forced to stay at home is not the coolest thing ever. Yet, we may find hope remembering that:

  • Staying at home saves lives
  • These times are a test of life and we will overcome them
  • We could have some normality even under quarantine

Even though we have recommended you before spending your time in activities like giving your house a makeover, now we are about to share with you some apps to make your daily life in quarantine easier.

Which apps can I download to make the quarantine bearable?


These are 5 apps that won’t only help you to face the quarantine but also to keep the COVID-19 away.

Do the groceries on your smartphone

groceries on ypur smartphone

Meat, bread, onions, lemons, salt, grapefruit soda, and a bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial... you can now buy everything you need on a supermarket’s mobile app.

Walmart, Kroger, Target, and Costco will deliver to your door all the groceries you want. So, you can stay safe at home, not dealing with carts, narrow aisles, and the irresponsible people wearing the mask wherever they want unless over the nose and mouth.

From disaster to master chef in an eyeblink

master chef mundo Cuervo

If you have become a fan of instant meals or precooked foods in recent days, you’re probably fed up with not having comfort food at the end of the day. Luckily, we have the technology. Apps such as Tasty, Cookpad, and Recetix offer more than 10,000 easy recipes on video. The best part, you can also download some of them and even upload those ones you want to share with the world. Lastly, these apps may also help you with your grocery lists.

Who can tell it? Maybe by the end of the quarantine, you will have discovered a secret passion for cooking.

Keep in touch with your squad

touch with your squad

Whether you call for business or pleasure, look some familiar faces, smiling and joking will do good to your mind. Find a quiet place in your home and use apps like Zoom, Skype. Google Hangouts or What’s App to catch up with your friends or colleagues.

You can use these calls to hold kick-off meetings or make any kind of agreements like who’s going to throw the barbecue party as soon as the quarantine finishes. If there was something this situation has taught us is that technology got us covered when it comes to working and communication from the distance.

Turn your house into a gym

house into a gym

Recently, many people of all ages and social classes have broken the quarantine. Although, some reasons like doing the groceries, seeking medical care, or going to work might be understandable; there’s no sense in exposing yourself and any other person leaving your home to work out.

If you want to keep your fitness-lifestyle, there are some training apps like Nike Training Club, Freeletics, Seven, and Sworkit that will give you a complete training program that you can follow at home. So, your biceps, triceps, pecs, or legs won’t lose any muscular mass.

Become a Zen master

zen Mundo Cuervo

Well, hopefully, the quarantine won’t be long enough for you to learn to levitate or reach the Nirvana. However, getting rid of some stress sounds and amazing idea, doesn’t it?

Letting our worries and fears take control over us makes our bodies more prone to diseases. We must thus do all we can to keep our minds calm and serene. That’s when apps like Calm, Headspace, El Mindfulness App, Zen, and Bambú are worthy to be downloaded. By relaxing music, nature’s sounds, guided meditations, and daily reflectional messages will help us to reach inner peace.

There you have it! 5 apps for Android and IOS that might be useful to make your life easier and keep a touch of normality. A final thought!  Remember that your health is invaluable. 

Don’t forget to follow us on social media and share your experience with these apps!

Publication date: 22/05/2020
Last update: 02/06/2020

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