Do you know Tequila's route?

Mundo Cuervo

In Tequila, there are many places to know and visit, but what are we talking about when we mention “Tequila’s route”? If you don’t really have an idea of that, you must be in the right place. Keep reading and you will discover what is this tour about.

Visiting Mexico and its cities is a speechless experience. How not to be like that, if Mexico is recognized for being a colorful, multicultural and tasteful country? When we talk about Tequila’s route, in Jalisco state, we feel a unique sensation that is only comparable with the sensation of drinking a tequila shot. At this point, you might wonder: “What makes Jalisco a special, different and unique destination place to visit in Mexico?” As you probably know, Jalisco is the house of Mexico’s national beverage: tequila. Its streets tell the stories and the secrets beyond its origin, as well as the greatest “Charros” and “Adelitas” stories. In this way, Jalisco is the state that best represents Mexican heritage.

Ruta del Tequila
Beyond the culture, UNESCO recently named the “agave fields” as Natural World Heritage Site. Knowing this, do you really need more reasons to visit Jalisco and its “Magic Towns”? Going back to the beginning’s incognita (What is Tequila’s Route?), you might be guessing what is it about. However, in the following text, we are giving you a specific guide, which will help you to know all that this circuit has to offer you.

“What can I find at Tequila’s route?”

Your first impression will be completely influenced by a really particular village, which is really different from the rest in Mexico, where the past history can be lived in every single detail. This is the reason why, due to its amazing beauty, Tequila “Magic Town” and its surroundings make one of the most impressive routes in Mexico. Tequila’s route will take you to many different points where you will be able to enjoy the agave fields and its wonders, as well as the culture and Mexican style. There is no doubt that Tequila is the most popular Mexican beverage of all time. For this reason, looking at the agave in its process of growing up, the old distilleries and enjoying the sweet flavor of agave’s honey is a unique experience. In addition, we share with you a list of the must-see places in Tequila’s Route.

Fabrica la Rojeña
Are you ready to visit the best places in Tequila?

Mundo Cuervo: We invite you to visit the oldest distillery in Latin America in order to discover the wonderful process to make Tequila. ● Agave’s fields: These fields can be found all around Tequila’s town. These fields are the perfect scenario for a Souvenir Photo. Are you ready to enjoy them? ● Tequila’s Main Square: Go around Tequila’s heart and discover all the stories that its streets and colonial buildings hide.

Fabrica la  Rojeña
What we really matter is your desire to get into the adventure of Tequila’s manufacture. Therefore, you may get close to this Magic Town and enjoy tequila, its history and the most wonderful golden age on the JOSE CUERVO EXPRESS train.
Publication date: 03/05/2020
Last update: 04/06/2020